About Us

Our Mission

The mission of the Macon County 4-H and Extension Foundation is to support the programs of University of Illinois Extension, Macon County Office.  These programs include:

  • 4-H Youth Development
  • Horticulture and Master Gardeners
  • Agriculture, Local Foods, and Small Farms
  • Leadership
  • Nutrition & Wellness
  • Community & Economic Development
  • Consumer Sciences

Our Role

The Foundation’s role is to raise private funds to support the breadth of Extension programs in Macon County, Illinois, so that local Extension staff may continue to produce the positive impact of those programs in our local communities.

Our Commitment to the Future

With the State’s continually shrinking monetary support for Extension, local contributions and fundraising efforts are more important than ever to Macon County’s budget.  As commented by Mark Sturgell, former Foundation President, “We must move from being a $5,000-a-year foundation, to a $50,000-a-year foundation, to a $500,000 annual campaign” to bridge anticipated future funding gaps.  In doing so the foundation can help secure the future of Extension in Macon County.  Thanks to our Fund Drive Donors, the “Harvesting for the Future of 4-H & Extension Campaign,” and the Farm Progress Show Food Booth we are able to push forward in our fundraising.